Show jumping rules

- In the Jumping event, the rider and horse must complete the course by jumping over the obstacles in a limited time. Faults are assessed for having exceeded the time limit , or for knocking over the bars on the obstacles, and for refusals to jump. Depending on the level of competition, horses will be eliminated if it exceeds the limit for refusals. The winner will be the rider and horse that completes the course in the fastest time and with the least amount of faults.
- The Jumping course plan must show all details of the course and a copy must be posted at the entrance of the arena at least 30 minutes before the start of the event. All obstacles must be numbered in the order they need to be jumped. Combination obstacles should only carry a single number, but letters can be added to distinguish the sequence of the combination. ( for example: 3A, 3B, etc). All compulsory turning points need to be marked clearly with a red flag on the right side and a white flag on the left.
- Rider and horse must work in tandem to jump the obstacles cleanly to avoid knocking down the bars. By studying the course plan beforehand, riders must plot out the best way or angle to jump the obstacles. Planned turns and angled jumps must be adjusted according to the horse's stride and jumping ability.
- The obstacles must be varied in their overall shape and appearance to match their surroundings. Stringent tests are carried out to make sure they can be knocked down, but are not too light that they can fall over at the slightest touch. A display board must show the countdown of each round clearly to the riders, and the length of each round is determined by the course’s design. Riders are given time to inspect the course prior to the start of the event.
- Riders must wear protective head gear that is properly fastened with a three-point retention harness whenever they are mounted. In the event that the headgear become loose and or falls off, no penalty is given. However, the clock will not be stopped for the rider to re-fasten his head gear. Any rider who attempts to jump the obstacles with their head gear incorrectly fastened will be eliminated.